27 August 2024

Copernicus Services: Delivering authoritative data in Latvia for assessing windstorm damage

Authoritative data provided by the Latvian Geospatial Information Agency (LGIA) was essential for assessing forest damage in the aftermath of a record-breaking storm.

LGIA data was combined with the state administration’s farmers dataset, forest inventory, and forest register to provide an overview of affected areas. This was used in conjunction with pre- and post-storm satellite imagery and ancillary data to assess the impact, spatial distribution and extent of damage.

“As the official national source of geospatial data, LGIA is committed to ensuring services, such as those responding to the unprecedented storms of 2023, can access trusted information. The insight gained from the various analysis not only identified the levels of damage in different areas but also contributes to the on-going recovery of these important ecosystems.”

Mãrtinš Liberts, Director General, Latvian Geospatial Information Agency (LGIA)

Read the full case study