About Us

Connecting you to maps, geospatial and land information for Europe

EuroGeographics is an independent international not-for-profit organisation representing Europe’s National Mapping, Cadastral and Land Registration Authorities. We believe in a society empowered by the use of trusted geospatial services from these official national sources.

Our strength lies in our extensive membership and we are proud to represent around 90% of the official bodies responsible for geodetic surveying, topographic mapping, cadastral surveys and land registration in geographical Europe. We deliver benefits for each regardless of the geographical, technical, political, organisational, linguistic and business parameters in which they work. 

EuroGeographics supports the public good by representing our members’ interests, maintaining networks that help our members improve their capabilities and role, and by facilitating access to and use of our members’ geospatial data and services. By providing a single point of contact, we enable government, business and citizens to benefit from their collective expertise, products and services.

Facilitating access to data, services and expertise

EuroGeographics is committed to providing easy access to, and encouraging greater use of, map, land and geographic information from the European National Mapping, Cadastre and Land Registry Authorities. 

By simplifying access to their data, our members are driving applications to realise a wide range of social, economic and environmental benefits, as well as quicker, more efficient, secure and reliable land registration in support of an equitable property market.

Use our map to find links to our members’ national data.

We also provide pan-European data produced using authoritative, reliablecomparable and verifiable geospatial data from official national sources. This includes open data, administrative boundaries, topographic mapping and a digital elevation model.

Our production system is unique internationally, and a particularly important example of international collaboration in the geospatial area.

A society empowered by the use of trusted geospatial services

In recent years, we have seen an explosion in location-based services. Whether it is maps, cadastral data or land registration, geospatial information is driving applications to realise social, economic and environmental benefits for us all. Yet in the age of ‘Big Data’ and the ‘Internet of Things’, how can we know which data sources are reliable and how easy is it to find accurate, high-quality and detailed information that we can trust?

Knowing that such reliable sources exist, and where to obtain them, is essential for governments and decision-makers making critical decisions that affect all our lives.

As the official bodies responsible for national cadastre, land registration, geodetic surveying and mapping activities in Europe, EuroGeographics’ members fulfil an essential role providing definitive and detailed geospatial information. As their membership association, EuroGeographics is committed to supporting them as they improve access to their rich source of data.

The voice of Europe’s National Mapping, Cadastral and Land Registry Authorities

We are a passionate advocate for European geospatial data from official sources, in particular when it is harmonised to standard specifications. This means users can be confident that the information provided is consistent, comparable and easily shared — regardless of its national source. By providing a strong, independent voice, we support our members in making this case to their national governments, as well as internationally through our networks and partnerships. Case studies from our members are available here.

EuroGeographics is committed to representing members’ interests in the European institutions and internationally to ensure that their roles, capabilities and concerns are understood. We are registered on the EU Transparency Register and are bound by its code of conduct.

Our representation strategy is based upon the principle of constructive participation. This enables us to demonstrate members’ relevance by delivering value to policy development and legislative programmes in those areas where they have a track record, significant expertise and a legitimate interest.

Internationally, we actively support and contribute to the United Nations Global Geospatial Information Management initiative (UN-GGIM) and provide the secretariat for UN-GGIM: Europe, one of its five regional committees.

A tradition of sharing knowledge and expertise

EuroGeographics members place tremendous value on collaborating to find solutions to common challenges and to build capacity. This willingness to share experiences and best practice is central to the success of our Knowledge Exchange Networks (KENS) which provide an open forum for members to discuss issues of mutual interest. Our KENs run an extensive programme of meetings, webinars and workshops.

We also pursue joint activities with other associations working in the field of mapping, cadastre and land information. These partnerships complement and add to the development of our KEN activities, bringing greater opportunities for professional development. In this way, we help our members improve their capabilities and role, and contribute more effectively to the wider public good.