Quality – QKEN

The QKEN team

The purpose of QKEN is to discuss data quality and quality management issues.


Aim, objectives and mission of the KEN

Our mission and objectives are to:

  • establish a network of data quality experts;
  • support EuroGeographics policy towards European data interoperability;
  • share knowledge amongst members; and
  • promote experiences on quality.

Topics of interest

The main topics and subject areas of interest of the QKEN are the following:

  1. Improving the usability of geospatial data (In conjunction with EuroSDR)
    • Identification of what customers need with regards to quality metrics
    • Identification of how best to present this information
  1. Creating a data quality model
    • Issues with implementation
    • Benchmarking within member organisations

Work plan

The QKEN is planning the following activities:

  • Organise two plenary meetings a year
  • Conduct webinars dates & topics to be announced
  • Conduct the survey on the use of ISO 19100 Geographic information quality standards in NMCAs

The QKEN maintains a work plan which is updated annually in autumn.


Upcoming events

The QKEN is planning the following activities:



The QKEN is chaired by Karin Mertens from National Geographic Institute Belgium.

Coordinating Committee
Name Organisation and Country
Karin Mertens (chair) National Geographic Institute Belgium
Tamàs Palya Lechner non profit Ltd Hungary
Anouk Huisman Kadaster, The Netherlands
Raitis Boļšakovs Latvian Geospatial Information Agency
Patricia Sokacova EuroGeographics Head Office