Land and Property Services
“Underpinning land and property assets with geospatial information and unique identifiers has been a transformative breakthrough for strategic asset management within Northern Ireland. The ability to view different Departments’ asset information together and to drive the spatial linkage of data related to those assets from across government is a powerful tool to enable more informed and effective asset management practices.”
Dr Suzanne McLaughlin
Chief Survey Officer, Director of Ordnance Survey Northern Ireland
The Government Land and Property Asset Management Programme is building a central geospatial database of all Government-owned and occupied land and property in Northern Ireland (NI), covering 135 fields of information and incorporating unique identifiers known as Fusion IDs for each asset, to support the efficient and effective management of public services.
The team worked to locate and map all NI government owned and occupied land and property by researching information held on a vast range of government databases in various formats, on a department-by-department basis.
Once located, both buildings and land parcel assets were attributed with a Fusion ID from the large-scale mapping. The identifier is a unique 36 Character GUID allocated to all Ordnance Survey Northern Ireland (OSNI) Fusion features.
By allocating the Fusion IDs to the assets it facilitates a linkage to other NI government databases and pioneers the embedding of Fusions IDs across government.
A web application was developed allowing the user easy access to the asset information and to report on the data based on requirements, with a light version of the data available on the NI open data portal OpenDataNI to promote transparency.
Drives the embedding of OSNI Fusion IDs across government to facilitate a joined-up approach to data collection and management.
Delivers a robust GLPR Database to facilitate data driven, informed strategic and day-to-day decision making.
Will help enable reductions of the net cost of service delivery through the efficient use of public sector assets by supporting effective asset management processes that unlock value.
Provides data to improve key business processes which ensure better service delivery, increased capacity, a reduction of operating costs and increased customer satisfaction.
Establishes consistent and reasonable ways of working across departments and provides a firm foundation for assurance, risk management and capacity and capability improvements.
Drives better and more easily accessible information on land and property assets, which a variety of internal and external stakeholders can access, improving accountability and transparency.
Increases protection of central government interests through the registration of all central government land in the Land Registry.