Members Webinar Series – Geoportals opening the door to broader use of spatial data

The agenda of the webinar was as follows: Opening - Patricia Sokacova, EuroGeographics New portal provides data foundation for water management and climate adaptation in Denmark - Eva Bøgh, SDFE Denmark Q/A via application Austrian geoportal uses FAIR principles to deliver open data -Markus Jobst - CIO, BEV Austria Q/A via application   […]

EuroGeographics General Assembly

EuroGeographics General Assembly was held as a physical meeting in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Hercegovina hosted by the Federal Administration for Geodetic and Real Property Affairs.  The General Assembly commenced at 19.00 on Sunday 15th May with a welcome drinks reception at the Hotel Holiday, Sarajevo, the venue for this year’s General Assembly. It was formally […]

Joint PCC-EuroGeographics CLRKEN conference and plenary

Paris 9 Place Saint-Sulpice, Paris, France

Joint PCC-EuroGeographics CLRKEN conference and plenary was held as a hybrid event, hosted by the Direction Générale des Finances publiques, under the EU Presidency of France. Theme of the conference was 'Valorisation of Digital Cadastral Data – Towards a More Sovereign, Effective, and Ecological European Model'.  Venue of the conference was the Ministry of Economy, […]

Thematic PolKEN on HVD

It has been very useful and interactive meeting with Policy Officer from DG CNNECT, Jiri Pillar, who has presented Implementing rules on High Value Datasets open for the public consultation and answered participants questions. Presentation from the meeting is available here. Full recording here.  

EuroGeographics Update on European Commission Requirements

The agenda is as follows: Welcome and Introduction by Lea Bodossian, EuroGeographics EuroGeographics Update on European Commission Requirements, Tony Baving, EuroGeographics Open Maps for Europe 2.0, Sallie Payne, EuroGeographics Q&A session via - Lea Bodossian, Angela Baker, Tony Baving Webinar Recording (Opens in YouTube)  

Members Webinar – An Update on CEF-funded Projects

This webinar focused on providing an update on CEF funded projects. The agenda was as follows: Welcome and Introduction by Angela Baker, EuroGeographics GeoE3 data integration platform – How Data Spaces can be implemented with location data by Antti Jakobsson, National Land Survey of Finland Cadastral data in Open Maps for Europe by Angela Baker, […]

Members Webinar Series – Members data to support the Copernicus Land & Security Services

The agenda was as follows: Introduction and welcome, EuroGeographics Overview and update of eGeos contract, Sallie Payne Snell, EuroGeographics Key Messages from EEA, Jose Miguel Rubio Iglesias, European Environment Agency The Land and Security Services Annexes, Angela Baker, EuroGeographics Panel and Q&A session via slido Webinar recording (Opens in YouTube)  

FIG Working Congress 2022

Warsaw , Poland

FIG is excited to invite you to the FIG Congress 2022 and we are determined to bring our global community together – physically (and virtually). The FIG Congress will offer you intensive learning, and an opportunity to exchange knowledge and experiences during pre-workshops/seminars, sessions, and to be part of the FIG Community. The overall theme […]

Technical Meeting of the EuroGeographics Data Producers 2022

Brussels , Belgium

The 2022 Technical Meeting of EuroGeographics Data Producers was hosted by our member the National Geographic Institute of Belgium at Maison des Associations Internationales (MAI), Rue Washington 40, 1050 Ixelles This meeting aimed to brief you on the production for 2023 for EBM, ERM and EGM.  We also included a new interactive session, where data […]

EuroCarto 2022

Vienna , Austria

EuroCarto 2022 conference will be held in Vienna, Austria. Information on the conference is available here.