Members’ Case Study Webinar – Special mapping combining Machine Learning with Earth Observation and Registration of special land use conditions on the cadastral map
This edition of our popular Members webinar brought two interesting views on special mapping: Special mapping combining Machine Learning with Earth Observation for the Land Parcel Identification System LPIS and Registration of special land use conditions on the cadastral map. We viewed two presentations introducing use cases from our members: Delivery of national datasets using […]
Webinars from UN-GGIM: Europe – Geospatial information for territorial policy support in the context of SDGs
Join UN-GGIM: Europe in a series of webinars focussing on the SDGs. The webinar programme aims to, first, collect the needs and requirements within the work done by the different groups, initiatives, stakeholders in Europe or globally; and secondly to define the relevant SDG indicators, requirements and cross-cutting issues to be addressed in the current […]
Joint PCC-EuroGeographics CLRKEN conference
Madrid , SpainThe autumn Joint PCC and EuroGeographics Cadastre and Land Registry KEN conference and plenary under the EU Presidency of Spain was held as a 2-day event in Madrid, Spain, hosted by the General Directorate for Cadastre as a physical meeting only. Find the message from Mr. Fernando de Aragón, General Director of the Cadastre of […]
TDKEN webinar & on-line discussion on Generalisation and Harmonisation
Through many years of experience in delivering pan-European datasets, EuroGeographics, its technical data production team and users, have identified technical challenges in producing seamless and harmonised datasets from official national sources. These challenges have been grouped into five main topic areas: generalisation, edge-matching, harmonisation, quality and life-cycle management. We recently ran a survey asking your […]
Webinars from UN-GGIM: Linked Data in the European spatial data infrastructure – an operational view
You will find information on this event here.
Members Webinar Series: Empowering an Interoperable Europe
Interoperability within the public sector is a crucial element in realising successful digital transformation. It is challenging to envision an integrated, digitally-driven public system without a seamless exchange of interoperable data. Currently, the European Parliament and Council are scrutinising the Interoperable Europe Act Proposal, which introduces a strategic mechanism for fostering interoperability collaboration across the […]
Webinars from UN-GGIM: Europe – United Nations Geospatial Network Data Hub: “One UN Geospatial Situation Room”
Join UN-GGIM: Europe in a series of webinars focussing on the SDGs. The webinar programme aims to, first, collect the needs and requirements within the work done by the different groups, initiatives, stakeholders in Europe or globally; and secondly to define the relevant SDG indicators, requirements and cross-cutting issues to be addressed in the current […]
TD KEN Webinar – Edgematching, Quality, & Life Cycle Management
Through many years of experience in delivering pan-European datasets, EuroGeographics, its technical data production team and users, have identified technical challenges in producing seamless and harmonised datasets from official national sources. These challenges have been grouped into five main topic areas: generalisation, edge-matching, harmonisation, quality and life-cycle management. We recently ran a survey asking your […]
Implementation of Data to Copernicus – Joint EuroGeographics/EEA Webinar
The relationship and cooperation with the EEA has continued to flourish through the contract EuroGeographics has with eGEOS. One of our key aims is to ensure your authoritative data is used by the Copernicus services. This webinar focused on the practicalities of how CORDA can access your data, including the process CORDA will follow, confirming […]
QKEN Virtual Autumn Plenary
The QKEN Autumn Plenary meeting was held virtually on November 27 2023 from 10:00 to 16:30 CET. The agenda can be found here. Presentations: Title Presenter Size Head Office News Carol Agius, EuroGeographics 2,04 KB National Reports Tamas Palya, Lechner Non-profit Ltd., Hungary 1,5 KB Concept of a Topography Monitoring System Danylo Kin, StateGeoCadastre, Ukraine […]