July 2021 Issue of Messenger Newsletter

The July 2021 issue of our Messenger Newsletter is now available.

Contents include:

  • Coverage for Open Maps For Europe first data release
  • Updates on EuroGeographics Public Policy Briefings
  • #MoreThanMaps campaign
  • Management Board updates

Susbcribe and read the full edition.

Official geospatial data proves value during global pandemic

Contributing to national Covid-19 responses has significantly raised awareness of official geospatial data, say Europe’s National Mapping, Cadastral and Land Registration Authorities.

More than 75% of members participating in EuroGeographics 2021 General Assembly said that helping to manage and monitor the global pandemic had raised the profile of their data. Around 60% believe that it will make it easier to explain its importance to policymakers, whilst 43% think the public have a better understanding of what authoritative data is.

National Mapping, Cadastral and Land Registration Authorities reported four main contributions to national Covid-19 responses:

  • Provision of authoritative data
  • Working with other government departments
  • Implementation of new technologies or systems
  • Provision of expertise

Colin Bray, President, EuroGeographics said: “Whether you’ve downloaded a track and trace app or used your phone to avoid busy times on public transport, geographic data is helping us all to stop the spread of Covid-19.”

“EuroGeographics members are playing their part by delivering accurate, official land information and geospatial data and services. They have quickly adapted their datasets to meet the needs of a fast-moving situation to ensure those making difficult decisions can count on them for the most up to date information available. This has proved vital for responding to the global pandemic, keeping us connected and playing a central role in all our lives.”

Léa Bodossian, Secretary General and Executive Director, EuroGeographics added: “The global pandemic has redefined business as usual – from accelerating the adoption of new technologies to refocusing resources. As a community used to constant and far-reaching change, we have a proven ability to respond strategically, as well as operationally, to these new ways of working. Together, we must ensure this agility, as well as our data, is widely recognised, understood and used for maximum impact and benefit.”

“More than ever before, the world needs accurate data that it can trust is up to date, definitive and detailed. We know we cannot expect users to always come to us, so we continue to find new ways of achieving its widespread use across both the European and international systems.”

EuroGeographics annual review, which is published today (21 June 2021), contains many examples of how members are supporting pandemic response, as well as integrating information to provide insights for realising national climate targets and biodiversity plans, using satellite positioning for smarter, precision farming and the development of autonomous vehicles; and incorporating artificial intelligence technology into production processes to improve data quality. It is available at http://bit.ly/EuroGeographicsAR2020.

Call for authoritative geospatial information to be included in EU Zero Pollution Action Plan

Pan-European data from official sources of geospatial and land information has a key part to play in tackling cross-border pollution.

“Data from Europe’s National Mapping, Cadastral and Land Registration Authorities is already being used for environmental monitoring, measurement and management, realising national climate targets and biodiversity plans, and delivering smarter, sustainable, intelligent transport,” says Léa Bodossian, Secretary General and Executive Director, EuroGeographics.

“Examples include: precision farming using the Austrian Positioning Service; land cover maps which reveal new insights about the Portuguese landscape; contributing to the Belgian National Access Point for multimodal transport information; new land use and Lidar projects to support public policies in France; and providing policy-makers with vital information for the transition to solar energy in the Netherlands.”

“As recently noted by Pascal Canfin, Chair of the European Parliament Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety, however, pollution does not respect borders. To track and tackle it across Europe, we need to be able to monitor its spread across different countries – and to do this we need pan-European data we can trust.”

“Together with our members, we provide the only interoperable pan-European datasets created using official authoritative geospatial data. These include topographic data and a digital elevation model which are to be released as open data through the Open Maps for Europe project. Imagery, a cadastral index map, and a regional gazetteer will also be available by the end of 2022.”

“From knowing who owns the soil and its responsible management to air quality and the reduction of pesticides, our members’ data is available as a tool to mitigate pollution and address the challenge of biodiversity loss. If we are to achieve a healthy planet, we believe this information should be a vital component of the EU Zero Pollution Action Plan.”

EuroGeographics is an international not-for-profit organisation and the membership association for the European National Mapping, Cadastral and Land Registry Authorities.  It is coordinating the Open Maps for Europe project, which is co-financed by the Connecting Europe Facility of the European Union, in partnership with the National Geographic Institute (NGI) Belgium.

Case studies demonstrating the important role of EuroGeographics members are available at: https://bit.ly/MoreThanMaps

EuroGeographics is an international not-for-profit organisation (AISBL/ IVZW under Belgian Law. BCE registration:  833 607 112) and the membership association for the European National Mapping, Cadastral and Land Registry Authorities. It currently brings together members from 46 countries, covering the whole of geographical Europe.


European NMCAs focus on user requirements and support for policymakers at annual conference

User requirements for authoritative geospatial data and support for policymakers were at the heart of discussions at EuroGeographics 2021 General Assembly.

More than 100 leaders and senior representatives from 55 members of the association for Europe’s National Mapping, Cadastral and Land Registration Authorities participated in the two-day event, which was held online. Speakers included Marta Nagy-Rothengass, Head of Unit, Eurostat, Oliver Mueller, GISCO Team Leader, and Henrik Steen Andersen from the European Environment Agency.

Colin Bray, President, EuroGeographics said: “As always, connections were at the heart of our agenda: connections between members, connections with key users of their authoritative data, and connections that are being made through new technology.”

“As official sources of trusted information, we want people to use our data, so it was very interesting to see the different ways in which members’ data is benefiting Eurostat and the European Environment Agency, as well as to learn more about the requirements of Frontex and DG AGRI. It is clear that we have a joint vision for cooperation and data sharing, and we look forward to continuing working with them for the benefit of society in general.”

The General Assembly was an opportunity for EuroGeographics members to renew their commitment to the community, and included the election of three new Management Board members.

Mrs. Eydis Lindal Finnbogadottir, Andreas Hadjiraftis, and Martin Salzmann will each serve a two-year term.

As a result, the not-for-profit organisation’s Management Board now comprises:

  • President Colin Bray, Ordnance Survey Ireland.
  • Sanja Zekušić, State Geodetic Administration, Croatia.
  • Andreas Hadjiraftis, Department of Lands and Surveys of Cyprus.
  • Sébastien Soriano, National Institute of Geographic and Forest Information, France.
  • Pier-Giorgio Zaccheddu, Federal Agency for Cartography and Geodesy, Germany.
  • Eydis Lindal Finnbogadottir, National Land Survey of Iceland.
  • Martin Salzmann, The Netherlands’ Cadastre, Land Registry and Mapping Agency.
  • Kenny Crawford, Registers of Scotland.
  • Amalia Velasco Martín-Varés, Spanish Directorate General for Cadastre.

Members can view the presentations, sli.do polls and formal minutes by logging into the EuroGeographics website.

Notes to Editors

EuroGeographics is an international not-for-profit organisation (AISBL/ IVZW under Belgian Law. BCE registration:  833 607 112) and the membership association for the European National Mapping, Cadastral and Land Registry Authorities. It currently brings together members from 46 countries, covering the whole of geographical Europe.

Geospatial points way for Europe to become global hub for trustworthy artificial intelligence

National Mapping, Cadastral and Land Registration Authorities (NMCAs) expertise in providing reliable, authoritative data has a significant part to play in establishing Europe as a global hub for trustworthy Artificial Intelligence (AI).

Responding to the Commission’s proposed new AI Regulation published today, EuroGeographics, which represents the European NMCAs, says that its members’ extensive experience in the production and management of trusted data can help foster trust in these new technologies.

“We are pleased to see AI on the European agenda and welcome a regulatory framework that enhances trust. Official, authoritative data from National Mapping, Cadastral and Land Registration Authorities is a key component for an AI model based on trust and excellence, giving citizens the confidence to embrace technologies, while also encouraging businesses to develop them,” says Léa Bodossian, Secretary General and Executive Director, EuroGeographics.

“Our members produce and make available data to feed AI services and businesses, whilst also using these new technologies to process geospatial information and increase the efficiency of their quality assurance and management – the calling card of NMCA data.” 

“NMCAs have a reputation for providing data that people can rely on when making critical decisions, and in turn the public trusts them to keep their data secure and act in their interest above all else. AI therefore provides many opportunities for NMCAs to contribute to the public good, not least in sharing their extensive experience and expertise to develop AI tools that establish trustworthiness but also in serving the European public interest by contributing to European data sovereignty.”

“We warmly welcome any initiative that strengthens public trust in data, particularly in high-risk areas for which members hold responsibility, such as critical infrastructure and essential services, and look forward to engaging with policy makers to realise the vision of Europe as a global hub for trustworthy AI.”

EuroGeographics is an international not-for-profit organisation (AISBL/ IVZW under Belgian Law. BCE registration:  833 607 112) and the membership association for the European National Mapping, Cadastral and Land Registry Authorities. It currently brings together members from 46 countries, covering the whole of geographical Europe.


Centre of Registers adds to public data in Lithuania

The Centre of Registers, Lithuania continues to implement its obligation to open more information to the public collected and stored in the registers and information systems. More data about population and businesses of the country is now available on the regional geoinformational map - REGIA, which is created and further developed by the Centre of Registers.

In addition to the information on real properties, Address Register objects or engineering networks, the REGIA map has started publishing statistics available at the Centre of Registers. Now the data about largest legal entities, in terms of sales revenue and net profit, and information of the Population Register on the number of persons who have declared their place of residence in a specific municipality, is available.

“Our goal is to achieve that the REGIA map gradually becomes a platform for open geo-referenced data, where not only the data processed in the registers or information systems of the Centre of Registers but also relevant information from other state or municipal institutions is published. This time we supplemented the map with information from the Register of Legal Entities and the Population Register. In the future, we intend to add other data that is important to the public and present it in a convenient way,” says Service Management Director Diana Vilytė.

The REGIA map displays legal entities according to their registered office address. Users click on a concrete company to  see legal entity‘s name, code, registered office address, average number of employees. Users can also see sales revenue or net profit ratio, and refine data in order to find out TOP10 companies with the best ratios in a selected municipality.

By selecting the layer 'number of persons who have declared their place of residence', the REGIA map will display municipalities in different colours according to the number of persons who have declared their place of residence. By clicking on a specific municipality, users will find exact number of those who have declared their place of residence in that municipality, statistics by gender and age groups.


REGIA is a user-friendly information exchange platform. To facilitate re-use of data, all information can be downloaded in a single Excel spreadsheet.

REGIA map, created by the Centre of Registers, is a convenient tool specially developed for municipalities, their residents, officials and businesses operating therein. The aim of REGIA is to create convenient conditions for decision-making based on geographical location and to facilitate the exchange of information.

Most of the client-relevant information published on the REGIA map is linked to real property and accurate data stored by the Centre of Registers: boundaries of land parcels, real property value zones, average and taxable market values, and information on the Address Register objects. In addition to the data mentioned above, information from other institutions is available on the map too, such as engineering networks and data published by the National Land Service, etc.

Considering user needs, the REGIA map intends to offer more data from other institutions, such as data available from the companies operating water, sewage, heating or telecommunications networks.


New KEN Chair aims to INSPIRE development of European Spatial Data Infrastructure

Marcin Grudzień from the Head Office of Geodesy and Cartography (GUGIK) in Poland has been named the new Chair of a European knowledge exchange network for INSPIRE experts.

The specialist in national spatial data infrastructures (NSDIs) will lead EuroGeographics INSPIRE KEN which focuses on sharing best practice in implementing the Directive. The group is part of the membership association’s network to support Europe’s National Mapping, Cadastral and Land Registration Authorities to improve their capabilities and role.

Marcin takes over the role from Dominique Laurent, National Institute of Geographic and Forest Information, France. Dominique, who was heavily involved in the both the INSPIRE Drafting Team for Data Specifications, and the Thematic Working Groups on Cadastral Parcels and on Buildings, was instrumental in the INSPIRE KEN’s formation and has led its activities for the past decade.

Léa Bodossian, Executive Director and Secretary General, EuroGeographics said: “We are extremely fortunate to count so many world leading experts among our membership and Marcin and Dominique are no exception. Both are well respected professionals whose insight and leadership are vital in cementing our members’ reputation for excellence, particularly during the review period of INSPIRE.”

“EuroGeographics has a strong culture of collaboration and cooperation at its heart. In these uncertain and rapidly changing times, this unity is key to raising awareness among politicians and policymakers of our members’ collective value in delivering better data for better lives.”

Marcin Grudzień added: “By ensuring effective two-way communication between the European Commission and NMCAs, the INSPIRE KEN plays an essential role in the development of a European SDI.”

“In particular, our role is to provide feedback on policies and technical solutions from the EuroGeographics community. With the first phase of implementation ending last year and all the milestones behind us, INSPIRE is evolving. I look forward to working with my colleagues in the KEN to navigate these uncharted waters whilst also continuing its primary objective – the sharing of INSPIRE-related information among NMCAs.”

Marcin’s extensive experience includes coordinating the technical implementation of the INSPIRE Directive in Poland. He has been an active member of the INSPIRE KEN for many years and is a well-known presenter at INSPIRE and SDI-related conferences.

More recently, he played an active role in building Poland’s fourth-biggest public sector IT system, addressing technical, semantic, operational and legal aspects for its stakeholders. He is currently Deputy Director GUGIK’s Strategy, International Cooperation and Public Information Department.

EuroGeographics is an international not-for-profit organisation (AISBL/ IVZW under Belgian Law. BCE registration:  833 607 112) and the membership association for the European National Mapping, Cadastral and Land Registry Authorities. It currently brings together members from 46 countries, covering the whole of geographical Europe.

Job opportunity at EuroGeographics

We are looking for a Student with knowledge of geospatial technologies. This will be a paid position.

The role is to take an active part in desk-based research to create an audit of EuroGeographics members datasets, including the classification of various metrics of their datasets. Follow up will then be required to verify the information with each member. You will be working with both internal and external partners, under the direct supervision of EuroGeographics Programme Manager, to produce a final report.

Closing date is 30 April 2021.

More information

Job opportunity at EuroGeographics

We are looking for a Junior Finance & Administrative Officer to strengthen our Finance and EU Project team.

If you are looking for new challenges within a dynamic European association, we would love to hear from you. Within Eurogeographics you will be able to develop new skills in accounting and financial reporting, and become a central element in one of our key EU-funded projects. You will lead a work package under this project by liaising with our members and following-up on high-level administrative tasks.

Closing date 4 April 2021

More information here.

Transparency, accountability and common values will fuel digital decade data demand

Underpinning Europe’s Digital Decade with fundamental rights and common values will fuel demand for trusted public sector information, say National Mapping, Cadastral and Land Registration Authorities.

Through their membership association, EuroGeographics, they have welcomed the vision for Europe’s Digital Decade, noting that respect for data privacy, Intellectual Property Rights and the legal protection of databases is essential in providing online services for citizens and supporting public administration.

“Data based on agreed rules of creation and use, legal aspect, accountability, quality management, certification, traceability, and maintenance are needed everywhere by everybody all the time. Knowing that reliable sources of geospatial data exist, and where to obtain them, is essential for making critical decisions that affect all our lives, both from an individual’s perspective, and by policy-makers,” says Léa Bodossian, Secretary General and Executive Director, EuroGeographics.

“Authoritative public sector information is a key building block for a successful digital transformation, which will result in a society empowered by the use of these trusted data and services. Demand for geospatial information from official national sources will continue to grow into the next decade. NMCAs are committed to continue providing quality, value, reliability and ease of re-use data, as these remain key requirements for users.”

“With the constant and dramatic growth of data volumes, information is moving to the clouds and is being shared through data spaces. As such, NMCAs welcome the European Strategy for Data and the transparent governance tools proposed in the Data Governance Act. These initiatives have the potential to be important milestones in reaching the goals of the Digital Decade.”

“EuroGeographics members were early pioneers in data interoperability having solved a wide range of geographical, technical, political, organisational, linguistic and operational challenges to create pan-European datasets. We are eager to share our experience and the lessons learned to help achieve the cohesion needed to realise the digital targets, and we do know that there many more datasets that are to be made open and that will benefit from NMCA’s expertise.”

“We look forward to making a significant contribution to the success of Europe’s Digital Decade and the 2030 digital targets, and welcome being part of this conversation.”

Read EuroGeographics’ feedback on the EU Roadmap for Communication on “Europe’s Digital Decade”: 2030 digital targets.

EuroGeographics is an international not-for-profit organisation (AISBL/ IVZW under Belgian Law. BCE registration:  833 607 112) and the membership association for the European National Mapping, Cadastral and Land Registry Authorities. It currently brings together members from 46 countries, covering the whole of geographical Europe.