10 October 2024

Accelerating the transition to a knowledge society in Switzerland

Federal Office of Topography swisstopo

“Geoinformation is increasingly important for decisions in politics, the economy, civil society and everyday life. Geoinformation, as a part of digitisation, is accelerating the transition to a knowledge society. In addition, digitisation and digitalisation increase the availability and versatility of spatially-referenced data, giving users new opportunities to gain relevant knowledge from data. The Swiss Geoinformation Strategy provides a blueprint for the future development of swisstopo”

Fridolin Wicki

Head of swisstopo

The ‘Swiss Geoinformation Strategy’ was established in collaboration with stakeholders of the Swiss Geo-Community.

The strategy aims to make reliable, detailed, up-to-date and interoperable geoinformation accessible. It should be made available to all users in a simple, interlinked manner and, where appropriate, in real time. A large number of workshops, bringing together more than 30 representatives of the entire Swiss geo-community, were organised to draft the new strategy.

The Federal Council and the Swiss Conference of Directors of Public Works, Planning and Environmental Protection have ratified the ‘Swiss Geoinformation Strategy’. In it, they explain how they want to interconnect up-to-date, reliable geoinformation and make it easily accessible to everyone.

The Federal Coordinating Agency for Geoinformation and the Conference of Cantonal Geoinformation and Cadastral Survey Directors are responsible for its implementation.

The two bodies are implementing the strategy in collaboration with economic, scientific and political partners, as well as with the general public. The 2024 action plan is based on a strategic roadmap.


  • Supports our daily decision-making with helpful, easily accessible bases.

  • Provides access to reliable, harmonised, nationwide geodata via reliable powerful interfaces.

  • Enables easy linking of non- spatial data with geodata and facilitated networking via open and standardised geoservices and common platforms.

  • Supports leadership and participation, as well as an agile approach fostering collective intelligence for knowledge generation and improving resilience capacity.

  • Improves integration of all users for the consideration and satisfaction of their needs.

  • Delivers wide-ranging, well-described geodata, services and an information pool for versatile use.

  • Preserves the common heritage and long-term availability of geodata, geoinformation and knowledge, as well as the necessary interfaces.