8 June 2021

Continuing to provide services and deliver projects throughout the Covid-19 pandemic

Czech Office for Surveying, Mapping and Cadastre (ČÚZK)

“The pandemic has tested our ability to respond to changing conditions. We have found new ways to maximise our activities and continue to provide services that are important to the public and to the Czech economy.”

Karel Večeře, President, Czech Office for Surveying, Mapping and Cadastre

The Czech Office for Surveying, Mapping and Cadastre (ČÚZK) has continued to provide registration and information services to the public throughout the Covid-19 pandemic.

Activities continued without major restrictions and problems, with progress also being made in important development projects. ČÚZK’s multi-annual plan for the systematic updating of cadastral documentation technical data with revisions and new mapping was successful. Approximately 1.5 % of cadastral areas are revised in this way every year to ensure accuracy.

The digitisation and automation of territorially-oriented projects of the public administration, in particular in the area of spatial planning and construction proceedings, also continued. One such project is delivering digital technical maps of regions (DTM).  ČÚZK is the creator of the legislative framework and of the technical specifications for all regions to ensure a uniform approach to this nationwide project. It is also administrator of the digital map portal the of public administration (DMVS) where the DTM of regions, together with cadastral maps and Orthophoto CR, will be available. Basic viewing, downloading and processing services will also be provided.

  • Uniform creation, administration and updating of information on the technical and transport infrastructure in the regions.
  • Administered in single regions but shared as database information within the Czech public administration.

In accordance with the DTM and DMVS projects, an amendment to the Land Surveying Act was prepared in 2020. This only creates the basic legislative framework for them, but also regulates some principles of land surveying activities.

  • Implements EU Directive on open data and the re-use of public sector information.
  • Delivers graphic data of the real estate cadastre, including indexes, as open data.
  • Increases datasets available as open data in the future - the basic database of geographical data, generalised geographical data at scales of 1:50 000 and 1:250 000, high-resolution Orthophoto CR (12.5 cm) and a full range of digital raster equivalents of topographic maps.