State Geodetic Administration of the Republic of Croatia
“Digital services pre-developed by the State Geodetic Administration have proved indispensable to Croatia’s response to the coronavirus pandemic, as well as two devastating earthquakes. After the Croatian Government declared a state of disaster in the earthquake-stricken areas in and around Zagreb, the State Geodetic Administration in cooperation with the Central State Office for the Development of Digital Society, the Faculty of Geodesy and the Civil Protection Headquarters, established the Headquarters’ network geoinformation system for dealing with the consequences of the disaster. This system is based on NSDI data, the infrastructure cadastre and spatial unit register.”
Damir Šantek, State Geodetic Administration of the Republic of Croatia
Ensuring availability of data on existing infrastructure
Using a grant from the European Regional Development Fund, the State Geodetic Administration established an information system to function as a single information point (JIT) and infrastructure cadastre (SKI).
The system records utility lines and other facilities belonging to electricity, electronic communications, hot water, gas, oil, water supply and drainage infrastructure, and contains data on the types, basic technical characteristics, current use and location of existing infrastructure. By providing access to basic information to all other users under proportionate, non-discriminatory and transparent conditions, the aim is to allow the management, storage and distribution of infrastructure cadastre data. The system was put into operation in August 2020 for the areas of jurisdiction of two counties.
The single information point (JIT) constitutes the public part of the system available, allowing external users to search for infrastructure cadastre spatial data and metadata, provide notifications on ongoing or planned construction works, submit requests for data and public documents, and receive official documents. In addition, users will be able to submit infrastructure geodetic report to competent cadastral offices for review and confirmation electronically.
- Maximises the use and efficiency existing infrastructure
- Reduces costs and removes obstacles in executing new construction works.
- Reduces costs incurred by direct and indirect damages done while executing construction works.
- Ensures the sharing of information on infrastructure digitally to all users who need data on infrastructure in their business processes.
Accessing spatial data sources
The State Geodetic Administration serves as the National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI) Contact Point and is, among other things, in charge of establishing, maintaining and developing the NSDI Geoportal, the starting point for accessing spatial data sources. The National Geoportal was created in 2014, and in September 2020, an improved and visually redesigned version was publicly released.
- Greatly improves the user experience and interface.
- Enables access to 446 metadata items (218 of which are related to network services) on various sources under the jurisdiction of 38 institutions.
- Provides a simple and intuitive data viewer for professional users.
- Enables the additional manipulation of displays based on network services, including both those already present on the NSDI Geoportal and external ones, which users can add themselves.
- Modernises the Metadata Catalogues and facilitates system configuration through the administration interface using the open source cataloguing application GeoNetwork 3.4.4.