8 June 2021

Provision of topographic and real estate cadastre data for 2021 Population and Housing Census

Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre Authority of the Slovak Republic (UGKK SR)

“The integration of geographical and demographic data is an important opportunity to strengthen the use and interpretation of data collected for statistical purposes. For the first time, the Population and Housing Census in Slovakia is using existing administrative data sources in the form of reference registers and only with minimal inquiries of the population.”

Ján Mrva, president of the Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre Authority of the Slovak Republic (UGKK SR)

The Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre Authority in Slovakia is providing data for the preparation of the 2021 Population and Housing Census.

UGKK SR is delivering spatial data layers from the real estate cadastre and topographic database to the Statistical Office for the integrated and fully electronic census. The information will be used to identify all possible inhabited and habitable objects. It is also directly integrated to the Address Register and forms a spatial basis up to the level of the address point for the Population and Housing Census. 


  • Contributes to territorial preparation data which is used during data collection, monitoring and processing after the implementation of 2021 Population and Housing Census.
  • Spatial topographic layers enriched with layers of cadastral plots and the Orthophotomosaic enables quick orientation in the field using web and mobile applications for those conducting the Census.
  • Flats from the real estate cadastre identified within the Housing Census are assigned to address points enabling residents to confirm their flat number during the Population Census.
  • Topographic and real estate cadastre data contributed to the identification of all possible inhabited and habitable objects.