PolKEN webinar on INSPIRE


Following the meeting of the INSPIRE Committee and the MIG-P group, held by the European Commission, Policy KEN has held a dedicated webinar in order to update the members of EuroGeographics on the latest developments and outcomes of the proceedings.

The webinar took place on the 7th of December and attended by 22 participants.

Ewa Surma – Polish INSPIRE National Contact Point and PolKEN’s rapporteur on Commission activities relating to implementation of INSPIRE legislation, monitoring and reporting on the SDI as well as related issues, presented following topics that were discussed at the meeting, including:

·        Changes and revision of Monitoring and Reporting Decision
·        Possible revision of the Implementing rules on data interoperability
·        Need for spatial data at the Eu level
·        Proposal on core datasets
·        Sharing INSPIRE data and services
·        Data-service linking in INSPIRE

For details please see the presentation or the recording of the webinar:

Presentation - MIGPupdatePolKen12 2018ES

Recording - click here