Open ELS Gazetteer Information webinar

As part of the Open ELS project we want to release a new service, the Open ELS Regional Gazetteer.  This would be a major achievement for the project and we want to release this service was as much European coverage as possible.


An information webinar was held on Wednesday 23rd January 2019, 10:30 CET to find out how your organisation’s data can be included in this service.  Please note, to participate in this service will not require any technical input from your organisation. 

The Presentations can be viewed here:

Title Author
Open ELS Regional Gazetteer Marcus Brühl (BKG)
Giving Licensing Permission  Angela Baker (EuroGeographics)


You can listen to the recording of the webinar here on the EuroGeographics YouTube channel. 

This gazetteer shall utilize the content of geographical names from EBM/ERM.  Main characteristics are:

  • full European coverage (pan-European),
  • regional LoD (level of detail) based on the existing EG products,
  • direct use of INSPIRE data model GN,
  • open data
  • realization in short-term,
  • linking of exonyms and variant names (outcome of the project EuroGeoNames)
  • publishing as WFS on the ELS platform,
  • applicable by the ELS Geolocator.


The content of geographical names from EBM/ERM will be automatically transformed to the OpenELS Regional Gazetteer.  Only a small part of EBM/ERM data is needed.  Further, the EBM/ERM data will be generalized.  This means that no original geometry of the features with geographical names will be used; instead only reference points will be provided by the OpenELS Regional Gazetteer.  A detailed specification of the OpenELS Regional Gazetteer is in development.  We would like to release this product with as much European coverage as possible, but to do this we need your permission.  There is no technical input or action required from the NMCAs. The only request is that we ask you as providers of the EBM/ERM data for permission to use the name content for the OpenELS Regional Gazetteer as open data.  This is the same approach as for EGM, which is generalized from ERM and published by EuroGeographics as an open data product.


We thank you for your support of the Open ELS project and look forward to joining with you online. 

Open Data Workshop March 2018

This event is a Eurogeographics activity.

Members are encouraged to participate in the Open European Location Services (ELS) Open Data Policy and Licensing workshop on 22 March 2018.

Meeting will provide an opportunity to learn about the open data policy and licensing framework for the Open ELS Project. These have been drafted using the results of our recent survey on open data already available from official national sources across geographical Europe.

11:00 to 17:00 CET

Download the draft agenda


Title Author Size/type
OpenELS – Open Data Policy   2.6 MB, PDF
Introduction to European Location Services (ELS) and Open ELS   740 kb, PDF
OpenELS Licensing   621 kb, PDF