Open Maps for Europe is an online service that provides free to use maps from more than 40 European countries. The datasets are created using official map, geospatial and land information from official, national sources.
The Open Maps For Europe project, which ran until 31 December 2022 and was co-financed by the Connecting Europe Facility of the European Union, was coordinated by EuroGeographics in partnership with the National Geographic Institute (NGI) Belgium. The cartography and styling on the Open Maps For Europe interface is based on NGI Belgium cartography.
Open Maps For Europe 2 (OME2)
The new Open Maps For Europe 2 (OME2) project, co-funded by the European Union, builds on its success by developing a production process and high-value, large-scale pan-European prototype. Authoritative 1:10 000 scale data for 10 countries will be delivered via the user interface built by the award-winning Open Maps For Europe Project.
OME2 is being delivered by a consortium comprising: EuroGeographics; National Geographic Institute, Belgium; National Institute of Geographic and Forest Information, France; Hellenic Cadastre; General Directorate for the Cadastre, Spain; and Cadastre, Land Registry and Agency, The Netherlands. It runs until 31 December 2025.
Connecting you to Open Maps for Europe from official national sources
- Providing easy access to free to use harmonised maps for Europe from more than 40 countries.
- Realising the benefits of theĀ Open Data Public Sector Information (PSI) Directive by driving innovation, market development and growth to support the digital economy.
- Demonstrating how National Mapping, Cadastral and Land Registration Authorities contribute to the public good through a unique international collaboration.
The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of EuroGeographics and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Union.