FIG e-Working Week 2021

Registration for the first ever virtual FIG e-Working Week is now open and EuroGeographics is delighted to be taking part with a keynote from our Secretary General and Executive Director, Léa Bodossian. This year's event takes from 20 to 25 June 2021 and aims to bring together the surveying, land administration and mapping community via […]

UN-GGIM: Europe & the UN-GGIM Subcommittee on Geodesy – European Geodesy Forum

Further to the recent announcement that the UN-GGIM: Europe and the UN-GGIM Subcommittee on Geodesy are hosting the European Geodesy Forum, which will be convened virtually on 23 June 2021 at 10:00 -11.30 AM CEST as a follow up of the Global Geodesy Forum held on Earth Day, 22 April 2021. Titled “Towards a sustainable […]

QKEN Webinar on the use of FME in NMCAs

Members from the Quality KEN will present cases studies of how FME in used in various NMCA data production processes. Using FME to quality assure the Local Land Charges dataset of England and Wales, Rod Else and Jamie Di-Cataldo from HMLR Quality Assuring Digital Landscape Models -FME’s Automated Data Validation & Reporting Capability at Work, […]

European Commission and EU Agencies geospatial requirements workshop

The geospatial data EuroGeographics provides to the European Commission and Agencies are based on the information from the National Mapping, Cadastral and Land Registry Agencies of Europe, the only existing authoritative pan-European datasets …  They are used in many services and for a variety of usage: for example the maps of ECDC showing the evolution […]

Webinar series on INSPIRE themes implementation in NMCAs: Administrative units

In 2020 the final milestone in the INSPIRE implementation roadmap was been reached. All datasets for all INSPIRE themes should  be implemented now. A look at the INSPIRE Geoportal to a large extend confirms this. There are plenty of datasets available, many of which are shared via view and download network services. Therefore, it is a […]

Technical producers webinar – ERM Validation Tool

The Quality Management team from Kadaster NL invited all technical producers to a webinar to share and update on the ERM Validator tool. You can find the presentation given at the webinar here. A recording of the webinar can be found here.      

14th EFGS Conference

The 14th European Forum for Geography and Statistics EFGS Conference will be held on 07-08 September 2021 as a virtual event. The motto of the conference will be "Unlocking value from data!" The conference will be organized jointly by the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) and the Federal Agency for Cartography and Geodesy (BKG) Germany with […]

Cambridge Conference in Conversation: Applying Geospatial Information to Climate Challenges

Cambridge Conference in Conversation is a preliminary virtual event of the Cambridge Conference 2022. It is aligned with the four goals established for COP26, the UN’s annual summit on climate change in November 2021:   1. Secure global net zero by mid-century and keep 1.5 degrees within reach   2. Adapt to protect communities and natural wildlife   […]

EuroGeographics Workshop – Supporting the EEA with Copernicus In situ data

As part of our continuing programme of work with the EEA, we would like to invite you to a workshop to discuss the new proposed Framework Agreement between EuroGeographics and it’s members to enable access to data for the Copernicus Services.  This workshop will include a presentation from the EEA and a discussion on the […]

Workshop – Welcome to Open Maps for Europe!

Join us for our Thursday webinar to find out more about the Open Maps for Europe gateway which has just been launched.  Many of you have provided data to our pan European datasets which are now available free and are easily accessible.  Get an update on the project and hear about how you can help […]