Information Meeting for Open Cadastral Map Data Suppliers

This webinar program aimed to present the EuroGeographics Open Cadastral Map of the Open Maps for Europe 2 (OME2) project to EuroGeographics' members, the vision and objectives of the project, its current status and current functionalities, as well as the planned tasks for the three year duration of OME2. The webinar also provided more details […]

Understanding CORDA: Facilitating NMCAs role as Data Providers for Copernicus

CORDA ( represents the gateway to authoritative geospatial reference data from official sources such as National Mapping and Cadastral Agencies (NMCAs) for Copernicus. It is a convenient single entry point in the complex landscape of national and subnational data provision, offering Copernicus service providers an index of URLs linking to datasets at varying levels of […]

OME2 – User Requirements Workshop

EuroGeographics delivers pan-European open data from official national sources through the Open Maps for Europe interface. We are currently leading the Open Maps for Europe 2 project (OME2), co-funded by the European Union, which builds on the interface developed by the award-winning Open Maps for Europe (OME) Project, completed in December 2022 and co-financed by […]

Enhanced services for citizens: 3D Cadastre and Open datasets of the National Real Estate Cadastre Information and more

The first Members webinar  after summer break focused on modern cadastral services for users. We had two presentations introducing use cases from our members: ‘Enabling users to see inside buildings with Spain’s new 3D cadastral viewer’. Fernando Serrano and Javier Luque, General Directorate for Cadastre, Spain ‘Open data offers unprecedented opportunities in Latvia’. Līga Ostrovska, […]

Joint Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for NMCAs

This workshop was held as an online only event. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a technological game changer; generating both excitement about possible beneficial applications, and sparking anxiety about the potential consequences. This new workshop was a follow-up of two previous successful workshops on AI for National Mapping and Cadastral Agencies (NMCAs) that were jointly organised […]

5th Congress on Cadastre

5th Congress on Cadastre with international participation in Bosnia and Herzegovina will be held in Grand Hotel Neum in Neum. Find more information including practicalities and registration fees here.

Webinars from UN-GGIM: Europe – Open Geospatial Data for cross-country comparable statistics as a contribution to a territorial approach to the SDGs

Join UN-GGIM: Europe in a series of webinars focussing on the SDGs. The webinar programme aims to, first, collect the needs and requirements within the work done by the different groups, initiatives, stakeholders in Europe or globally; and secondly to define the relevant SDG indicators, requirements and cross-cutting issues to be addressed in the current […]

Unlocking Border Management with Authoritative Spatial Data – joint EuroGeographics/Frontex webinar

The European Border and Coast Guard Agency (Frontex), supports EU Member States and Schengen-associated countries in the management of the EU’s external borders and the fight against cross-border crime. Frontex is a center of excellence for border control activities at the EU’s external borders, sharing intelligence and expertise with all Member States and with neighboring […]

Technical Meeting of the EuroGeographics Data Producers 2023

The 2023 Technical Meeting of EuroGeographics Data Producers was hosted by our member the National Geographic Institute of Belgium at Maison des Associations Internationales (MAI), Rue Washington 40, 1050 Ixelles. This meeting aimed to brief you on the production for 2023 for EBM, ERM and EGM.  On the morning of Wednesday, 11th October till lunchtime, […]