European Workshop on Urban Climate Indicators EWUCI will be held on 17th May 2021 in Paris, France. It is organised with the support of EuroSDR, IGN France, NLS Finland, statistical institutes and meteorological institutes of France and of Finland (INSEE, MétéoFrance, Statistics Finland, FMI), of the Finnish environment institute (SYKE) and of the European project ERA4CS URCLIM on urban climate services..
It tackles the design of relevant and computable urban climate indicators to study and adapt to climate change, specifically indicators that can be scaled in space and in time throughout Europe thanks to a better access to and better sharing of data.
List of topics of the workshop are: urban climate indicators; multi-sources land use land cover; spatial information infrastructure; geodata fitness for use and indicators transposition.
The call for contributions for the Challenge Track is open with the deadline of 31 March.
Read more on the EuroSDR webpage and the EWUCI Call for Contributions