14th EFGS Conference

The 14th European Forum for Geography and Statistics EFGS Conference will be held on 07-08 September 2021 as a virtual event. The motto of the conference will be "Unlocking value […]

Workshop – Welcome to Open Maps for Europe!

Join us for our Thursday webinar to find out more about the Open Maps for Europe gateway which has just been launched.  Many of you have provided data to our […]

Geospatial Information for Digital Transformation


During past 20 years, the Norwegian Mapping Authority has been implementing capacity development projects in Eastern Europe, West Balkans, Central Asia, and other regions. This capacity development has focused on […]

QKEN Autumn Virtual 2021 Plenary Meeting

The QKEN Autumn 2021 Plenary meeting will be held virtually as three two-and-half-hour sessions on the 3 - 4 November. The first and second sessions held in the morning and […]

Joint PCC – EuroGeographics CLR KEN conference and plenary

Joint PCC and EuroGeographics Cadastre and Land Registry KEN conference and plenary under the Presidency of Slovenia will be held as a virtual event. Main topic of the conference will […]

Technical Meeting of the EuroGeographics Data Producers 2021

The 2021 Technical Meeting of EuroGeographics Data Producers was hosted by our member the National Geographic Institute, Belgium at the Ecole Royale Militaire, Rue Hobbema 8, 1000 Bruxelles.  This meeting […]

PolKEN & INSPIRE KEN joint webinar

“INSPIRE beyond 2020”  Two of our KENs, the POLKEN which gathers and shares information relating to European and global policy, and INSPIRE KEN which main role is to help our […]