Data Producer Webinar Production Kick Off for 2022

The Production Management Team invited you to attend the Webinar in March  to discuss the production plans for 2022.

The agenda was as follows:

Welcome – Angela Baker, EGHO

Production 2022 - Alexander Reichelt, &  Krystallo Grammenou, BKG

ERM Validator – Tony Baving, Kadaster NL

EGM Collaborative Space – Vincent Beauce & Noemie Gremeaux, IGN FR

EuroGeographics new production process – Tony Baving, EGHO

Update from EuroGeographics – Angela Baker, EGHO

Q&A on Slido – facilitated by Angela Baker, EGHO

Webinar Recording (Opens in YouTube)


Technical Meeting of the EuroGeographics Data Producers 2021

The 2021 Technical Meeting of EuroGeographics Data Producers was hosted by our member the National Geographic Institute, Belgium at the Ecole Royale Militaire, Rue Hobbema 8, 1000 Bruxelles. 

This meeting aimed to brief you on the production for 2022 for EBM, ERM and EGM.  

Please find the agenda here.

Please find below the presentations from the meeting:

No Title Presenter
1. Production: EuroBoundaryMap and EuroRegionalMap

Alexander Reichelt, Krystallo Grammenou (BKG)



Vincent Beauce (IGN‑F)


Reviewing EuroGlobalMap data

Noémie Gremeaux (IGN‑F)


Technical issues concerning EBM and ERM (including PMS)

Alexander Reichelt, Krystallo Grammenou (BKG)


Open Maps for Europe update

Angela Baker (EG)


Open Maps for Europe - technical architecture

Fiona Hemsley-Flint (Idox)


Open Maps for Europe – data

Fiona Hemsley-Flint (Idox)
8. Reporting on Breakout Sessions Group 1 - A, B & E

Vincent Beauce (IGN-F)

9. Reporting on Breakout Session Group 2 - C & D

Sigitas Rušinskas (GIS Centras), Andreas Pammer (BEV)

10. Tactile Mapping project using ERM  Link to recording

Daan Rijnberk (Kadaster NL)

11. Facilitated session on Production Angela Baker (EG)

If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact Angela Baker.

Technical producers webinar – ERM Validation Tool

The Quality Management team from Kadaster NL invited all technical producers to a webinar to share and update on the ERM Validator tool.

You can find the presentation given at the webinar here.

A recording of the webinar can be found here.




Data Producer Webinar – Production kick off for 2021

The Production Management Team held a webinar on 2nd March 2021, from 14:00 - 15:00pm CET to discuss the production plans for 2021 for our Pan European products. 

Presentations can be found below:

Update from EuroGeographics Angela Baker, EuroGeographics
Production of ERM and EBM 2021 Alexander Reichelt, &  Krystallo Grammenou, BKG

You can view a recording of the webinar here.

Technical Meeting of the EuroGeographics Data Producers 2020

The 2020 Technical Meeting of EuroGeographics Data Producer event was held online following the structure of our usual meetings, including breakout sessions for the ERM regions and a social session.   

Please find the agenda here. 

Please find below the presentations from the meeting:

No Title Presenter
1 Opening and Welcome from EuroGeographics Mick Cory, EuroGeographics
2 Update from EuroGeographics Angela Baker, EuroGeographics
3 Production: EuroBoundaryMap and EuroRegionalMap Alexander Reichelt & Krystallo Grammenou, BKG
4 Production: EuroGlobalMap Vincent Beauce, IGN‑F
5 Production: News from the ERM Validator Marieke Kuijer & Tony Baving, Kadaster NL
6 Eurostat: Requirements on geospatial data and longer term aims; including questions Julien Gaffuri, Eurostat
7 Technical issues concerning EBM and ERM Alexander Reichelt & Krystallo Grammenou, BKG
8 The Open Maps for Europe project Angela Baker, EuroGeographics
9 Reporting on breakout sessions: Group A Marieke Kuijer & Tony Baving, Kadaster NL
  Reporting on breakout sessions: Group B Vincent Beauce, IGN‑F
  Reporting on breakout sessions: Group C Aliona Milentjeva & Antanas Klumbys, GIS Centras
  Reporting on breakout sessions: Group D Andreas Pammer & Miriam Tanzer, BEV
  Reporting on breakout sessions: Group E Constantin Nagorneac, ARFC
10 Lithuanian ERM dataset visualisation Giedre Beconyte, GIS Centras
11 European Mosaic Thomas Wiatr, BKG

Integration of ERM data in A cross-border cartography

Anneleen Sergeant & Frédérique Spitaels, NGI Belgium

Recordings of the webinars are available here:

Session 1

Session 2

Session 3

Session 4

Data Producer Webinar – Production kick off for 2020

The Production Management Team held a webinar on 3rd March 2020 to discuss the production plans for 2020 for our Pan European products.  

Presentations can be found below:

Production EBM and ERM 2020 Regine Elling, Jörgen Spradau, Alexander Reichelt, &  Krystallo Grammenou, BKG
Data Producer Poll Results Alexander Reichelt, &  Krystallo Grammenou, BKG
Update from EuroGeographics Angela Baker, EuroGeographics

You can view a recording of the webinar here.

Data Producer Webinar: ERM Validator

The Quality Management team from Kadaster ran a webinar to share knowledge about the ERM Validator tool

The presentation from this webinar can be found here.

You can access a recording of the webinar here.

If you have any queries about this tool please do contact the Quality Management Team ( or your Regional Coordinator. 

Technical Meeting of the EuroGeographics Data Producers 2019

The 2019 Technical Meeting of EuroGeographics Data Producers was hosted in Ljubljana by our member the Surveying and Mapping Authority of the Republic of Slovenia in the City Hotel Ljubljana

This meeting aim was brief data producers on the production for 2020 for EBM, ERM and EGM.  


The agenda for the meeting is available here

Please find below the presentations of the Technical meeting
No Title Presenter Size  [MB]
1 Opening and welcome from Surveying and Mapping Authority of the Republic of Slovenia Angela Baker (EG) 2
2 Production 2019 and 2020 Jörgen Spradau and Regine Elling (BKG) 0.8
3 EuroGlobalMap Vincent Beauce (IGN‑F) 0.7
4 Icebreaker Andreas Pamme (BEV) 0.1
5 Technical issues concerning EG products and news in PMS Alexander Reichelt, Regine Elling and Jörgen Spradau (BKG)  2
6 News from the ERM Validator Marieke Kuijer and Tony Baving (KadasterNL) 0.7
7 Break-out sessions: Group A Marieke Kuijer and Tony Baving (KadasterNL) 2.5
8 Break-out sessions: Group B Vincent Beauce (IGN-F) 1
9 Break-out sessions: Group C Aliona Milentjeva (GIS Centras) 1
10 Break-out sessions: Group D Andreas Pammer and Alexander Knapp (BEV) 0.2
11 Break-out sessions: Group E Constantin Nagorneac  (ARFC) 0.1
12 Experiences from Surveying and Mapping Authority of the Republic of Slovenia Marjana Duhovnik and Mateja Urbančič (GU) 6.5
13 GeoPackage Derek Howland (OS) 1.7
14 Using the INSPIRE data in theCzech Republic Jarmila Váňová (ZU) and Ivana Svatá (CUZK) 2
15 Update on CoreReferenceData (CRD) Alexander Reichelt (BKG) and Angela Baker (EG) 1.7
16 Update on EG Gazetter Jörgen Spradau (BKG) 1.4

Data Producers Technical Webinar March 2019

The Production Management Team held a webinar for all Data Producers to discuss the production plans for 2019 for our Pan European products.  Presentations can be found below:

Production 2019: EBM and ERM Regine Elling and Jörgen Spradau
Production 2019: EGM Clément Godin
ERM Validator Marieke Kuijer and Tony Baving
What's new in PMS: Import of ERM validation log-file Jörgen Spradau
Edge Matching Regine Elling
News from EuroGeographics Angela Baker

You can view the recording of the webinar here.


Technical Meeting of the EuroGeographics Data Producers 2018

The 2018 Technical Meeting of EuroGeographics Data Producers in Zagreb was hosted by the State Geodetic Administration of the Republic of Croatia.

The presentations from the meeting can be downloaded from the links below:

Title Presenter
Welcome from EuroGeographics Angela Baker (EG)
EuroBoundaryMap and EuroRegionalMap Production Jörgen Spradau and Regine Elling (BKG)
EuroGlobalMap Production Clément Godin (IGN‑F)
Update on possible new contract with Eurostat and effects on production Angela Baker (EG) and Regine Elling (BKG)
News from the QM Tool Marieke Kuijer and Tony Baving (KadasterNL)
Technical issues concerning EG products and news in PMS Alexander Reichelt, Jörgen Spradau (BKG) and
Clément Godin (IGN-F)
Update NUTS3 within EGM and SALB Noémie Grémeaux and Clément Godin (IGN‑F)
Activities in Croatian State Geodetic Administration Marijan Marjanović, PhD (DGU)

Break-out sessions:

Group A

Group B

Group C

Group D

Group E

Experiences with ArcGIS Pro within Ordnance Survey

Ian Rolls (OS)

Topographic map project in South America

Clément Godin (IGN‑F) and Luis Miguel Blanco Ortega (CNIG)

Status quo of the prototype CoreReferenceData (CRD)

Alexander Reichelt (BKG)